The following unit is able to store diffent graphicformats in blobfields.
#Save images edited in xee3 trial#
Another good thing is, you have a trial for 30 days to check if it is the right tool for you. i have drawn this rectangle clip in a picturebox control. Save image from a picturebox using graphics hi, i have drawn an image clip into an empty bitmap which i obtained from a rectangle cut from an original image. The price: It is 3.99 and I really think it is worth every cent. By the way, am I right to think that all versions since D7 are tied to different dotnet versions Edited by: Bob. Version 3 is exactly what I was looking for all the time. TBlobField(AdoTable1.FieldByName('Termograma')).SaveToStream(ms) After fighting with Sequential for some time now, I did another search and found out that there is a new version for Xee. If you try this option then, when your final picture is ready and is still kept in a memory save it to a blob field in this table and have TfrxPictureView to read this field from the table. In this case a TJPEGImage to the Picture. Alternative to save / load picture to / from file is to make use of your database (temporary or standard) table with long binary (or similar) field. As far as TPicture is not able to decide which kind of TGraphic it has to create for loading, since a stream does not have an extension like a filename you have to decide it, and assign the Graphic.